How to use USB Pen Drive as RAM On PC

How to use USB Pen Drive as RAM

Hi, I have a amazing tricks to use our Pen Drive as RAM . Sometimes, we are unable to install some PC apps due to our low RAM. So, after applying this trick, you will be able to run these high RAM using program.


On Window Vista and Window 7, 8 :

1.  First , insert your Pen drive and format it.

2.  Now, Right click on Pen Drive, and then click on Properties.

3.  Now, click on "Ready Boost Tab" and then click on "Use This Device".

4.  Now, Choose Maximum space to reserve system speed.

5.  Now, click on OK and Apply.

 On Window XP :

1.  First, Insert your Pen drive and format it.

2.  Now, click on "My Computer" > "Properties".

3.  Now, click on "Advanced Tab" > "Performance".

4.  Then click on  "Advanced" > "Virtual memory".

5.   Now, Select your Pen drive icon and then click on 'Customize Size'.

6.   Now, View the available memory in your Pen drive and then Write it down.

7.   Now, click on OK. and then Restart your computer.


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